Indoor Billboard Network-North Shore (IBN) provides digital signage solutions and manages an array of digital billboards on Long Island, NY.
Location Screen Sharing involves a network of web connected Indoor Billboards, at high-traffic locations frequented by the community. Our content management software allows us to remotely manage what appears throughout the billboard network, enabling the host partners to promote in-store offers with support from non-competing sponsors who share time on the digital billboards.
Locations are referred to as Network Partners, or "Hosts" and tend to be unique and well known in their community. Host locations include retail stores, grocers, popular cafe's, bagelries, deli's etc, which have average daily traffic of at least 500 people (see current host list)
IBN also prepares content for Network Advertisers and displays the advertisers' content at non-competing host locations, giving them effective "top of mind" relevance for their brand. Network Advertisers are also exclusive among one another and limited in number to ensure exposure to the full amount of traffic at the location .